Ahad, 1 November 2009

Demo Products Trace Minerals

Tracemineral Mineral Drops 1

Recommended intake:-

i) ADULTS - 30-40 drops / day
ii) CHILDREN 0-1 year = 3 drops/day
iii) CHILDREN 1-3 year = 5 drops/day
iV) CHILDREN 3-5 year = 10 drops/day
v) CHILDREN 5-10 year = 15 drops/day
vI) CHILDREN 10-15 year = 20 drops/day

a) Add to any beverage or foodpreparation.
b) Excessive intake may cause purging.
c) The balance trace minerals formula Concentrace Trace Mineral Drops is a low sodium and balanced health mineral supplement.
d) Minerals and trace minerals are the catalysts for all the vitamins and other nutrients your body uses for developing and maintaining good health. Concentrace captures the perfect balance of those minerals.
e) Using Concentrace every day (mix with juice, food or remineralise purified water will help conduct and generate your body's entire electrical system.
f) Why is Concentrace so beneficial? Coming from the Great Salt Lake, Concentrace contains the minerals in a balanced ratio to serve the body's needs. A natural process, i.e. solar evaporation, is used to remove sodium.


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