Money is not everything we need, but without money we cannot get anything. Get 'HALAL' money and spend wisely.
Jumaat, 23 Disember 2011
Astro launched Malaysia’s first free satellite television, NJOI,
Astro has launched Malaysia’s first free satellite television, NJOI, as part of its aspiration to make lifelong learning, information, entertainment, including sports, available to Malaysians for free.its chief executive officer, Datuk Rohana Rozhan, said Astro would introduce NJOI in three phases.she said in the first phase, Astro would distribute 50,000 NJOI decoders and satellite dishes to recipients under the eKasih programme.”The second phase involves making the NJOI service available to all by the first quarter of 2012, where a customer can purchase the decoder and dish, install them and start to enjoy the services.
Ahad, 9 Oktober 2011
Pancreatic Cancer: A Look At The Possible Cause Of Steve Jobs' Death
Steve Jobs, the inventor and co-founder and former CEO of Apple Inc., died Wednesday at the age of 56 after a fight with advanced pancreatic cancer.
Jumaat, 7 Oktober 2011
Blue-chip firm in the making
PETALING JAYA: Felda Global Group has been given the green light by the Government to list its commercial unit, Felda Global Ventures Holdings Sdn Bhd, on Bursa Malaysia by the middle of next year.
Felda Global Group comprise Felda Global Ventures and Felda Holdings Bhd, which are the commercial entities of Federal Land and Development Authority (Felda).
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said in his Budget 2012 speech that the listing was to raise funds to enable the company to be a global conglomerate.
Felda Global Group comprise Felda Global Ventures and Felda Holdings Bhd, which are the commercial entities of Federal Land and Development Authority (Felda).
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said in his Budget 2012 speech that the listing was to raise funds to enable the company to be a global conglomerate.
Anti-obesity Act could discriminate
PETALING JAYA: Why is there a need for an anti-obesity law when there is no guarantee skinny people are a healthier lot?
This was among the responses from those on the "heavier side" regarding the Health Ministry's intention to enact an Anti-Obesity Act by 2020.
Nothing wrong with being fat, says Adibah Noor.
This was among the responses from those on the "heavier side" regarding the Health Ministry's intention to enact an Anti-Obesity Act by 2020.
Nothing wrong with being fat, says Adibah Noor.
Optimum Weight Management: Tips to Lose Weight Fast and Naturally
Olive oil is an excellent source of oleic acid, which has a powerful impact in weight reduction, thus promoting healthy weight loss.
Steve Jobs mahu anak mengerti: Penulis
SAN FRANCISCO: Steve Jobs yang kesakitan dan terlalu lemah untuk mendaki tangga beberapa minggu sebelum kematiannya, mahukan anak-anaknya memahami mengapa dia jarang di samping mereka, kata pengarang biografinya, Walter Isaacson.
Listing a windfall for settlers
THE listing of Federal Global Ventures Holdings Sdn Bhd on Bursa Malaysia by the middle of next year could strengthen further Malaysia's already solid fundamentals and good global positioning, while at the same time provide an instant boost for Felda settlers.
Better foundation for homeowners
THE government's move to reduce property speculation by reviewing the Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT) rate is a step in the right direction.
Real Estate and Housing Developers' Association Malaysia (Rehda) President Datuk Seri Michael Yam said it would encourage home ownership and long-term investment, rather than short-term gains and possible speculation.
Real Estate and Housing Developers' Association Malaysia (Rehda) President Datuk Seri Michael Yam said it would encourage home ownership and long-term investment, rather than short-term gains and possible speculation.
Usahawan gagal kali pertama diberi dana pemulihan
KUALA LUMPUR 7 Okt. - Kerajaan bakal menyediakan SME Revitalisation Fund berjumlah RM100 juta bagi memberi peluang kedua kepada usahawan yang gagal buat kali pertama.
Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata, skim itu menawarkan pinjaman mudah dengan jumlah maksimum sebanyak RM1 juta kepada golongan peniaga bagi membangunkan semula perniagaan mereka.
Dana itu akan diuruskan oleh SME Bank dan ditawarkan mulai Januari 2012.
Tawar Sara 1Malaysia
KUALA LUMPUR 7 Okt. - Kerajaan telah memperkenalkan Skim Amanah Rakyat 1Malaysia (Sara 1Malaysia) dalam Bajet 2012 yang dibentangkan hari ini, bagi membantu golongan berpendapatan rendah,
Skim istimewa yang akan dibuka kepada isi rumah berpendapatan bulanan RM3,000 dan ke bawah tersebut dijangka memberi manfaat kepada 100,000 isi rumah.
Pelabur Sara 1Malaysia boleh memohon pinjaman RM5,000 dengan tempoh bayaran balik selama lima tahun.
Skim istimewa yang akan dibuka kepada isi rumah berpendapatan bulanan RM3,000 dan ke bawah tersebut dijangka memberi manfaat kepada 100,000 isi rumah.
Pelabur Sara 1Malaysia boleh memohon pinjaman RM5,000 dengan tempoh bayaran balik selama lima tahun.
Rabu, 5 Oktober 2011
RM220k ceiling for full loans stays
KUALA LUMPUR: The Government is sticking to its decision to allow 100% loans only for houses priced RM220,000 and below.
Check Developer Background – Blacklisted Developers Conning House Buyers for Down Payment
Sabtu, 24 September 2011
Gold falls record US$100
The drop in gold price was the worst since the 2008 banking crisis. — Reuters pic
NEW YORK, Sept 24 — Gold prices slumped more than US$100 (RM300) an ounce yesterday, the biggest fall on record in dollar terms, as traders sold to cover losses, while global stocks edged up on expectations the European Central Bank will take new measures to contain the euro zone debt crisis.
Jumaat, 16 September 2011
Banking thieves
Just when you thought online transaction is safe
KUALA LUMPUR: One was a civil engineer and the other an IT graduate.
But the two foreign students, with help from their accomplices, used their skills to con Malaysians of their money.
The duo — a Jordanian and a Sierra Leonne national — joined forces with a Pakistani and four locals in conducting a new financial fraud scam using the 'data phishing' techniques and 'hijacking' SIM cards of mobile phones.
How the scam works
1. The syndicate used a special software to download information from the Internet banking kiosk after the victim carried out a transaction. This is to obtain the latter's personal banking information, including handphone numbers.
2. Syndicate members then impersonated as telecommunication service providers' personnel and contact the victim, telling them their line would be disrupted for two hours for 'upgrading purposes'.
3. Masquerading as the victim, a local member of the syndicate would then go to a telco's branch with a forged police report and a copy of the victim's identity card to cancel the victim's original SIM card and obtain a replacement.
4. The new SIM card would be used to get the transaction authorisation code (TAC) to perform fund transfers via the Internet.
Aizat Sharif
Thursday, September 15th, 2011 12:09:00KUALA LUMPUR: One was a civil engineer and the other an IT graduate.
But the two foreign students, with help from their accomplices, used their skills to con Malaysians of their money.
The duo — a Jordanian and a Sierra Leonne national — joined forces with a Pakistani and four locals in conducting a new financial fraud scam using the 'data phishing' techniques and 'hijacking' SIM cards of mobile phones.
How the scam works
1. The syndicate used a special software to download information from the Internet banking kiosk after the victim carried out a transaction. This is to obtain the latter's personal banking information, including handphone numbers.
2. Syndicate members then impersonated as telecommunication service providers' personnel and contact the victim, telling them their line would be disrupted for two hours for 'upgrading purposes'.
3. Masquerading as the victim, a local member of the syndicate would then go to a telco's branch with a forged police report and a copy of the victim's identity card to cancel the victim's original SIM card and obtain a replacement.
4. The new SIM card would be used to get the transaction authorisation code (TAC) to perform fund transfers via the Internet.
Putih mata lesap RM10 juta
KUALA LUMPUR – Sepuluh usahawan mendakwa mengalami kerugian kira-kira RM10 juta akibat ditipu seorang wanita yang mendakwa dirinya pegawai kanan polis. Pengerusi Sukarelawan Peguam (Sukaguam), Datuk Khairul Anwar Rahmat berkata, mangsa mendakwa ditipu tahun lalu oleh wanita itu yang memperkenalkan nama sebagai Kak Su.
KUALA LUMPUR 15 Sept. - Setiausaha Agung Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM), Chin Peng pernah mengesahkan bahawa Muhammad Indera merupakan seorang panglima pemerintah komunis di negeri Johor.
KUALA LUMPUR 15 Sept. - Setiausaha Agung Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM), Chin Peng pernah mengesahkan bahawa Muhammad Indera merupakan seorang panglima pemerintah komunis di negeri Johor.
Jumaat, 9 September 2011
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Structured Settlements
The structured settlement is definitely an arrangement where rather than a lump amount of cash being awarded to some claimant, a tax-free regular payment is decided. Structured settlements in many cases are used in guardianship instances, workers compensation instances, wrongful death instances and severe damage cases.
Research has indicated how the more severe the actual injury, the more likely it will likely be that a structured settlement is going to be used.
Research has indicated how the more severe the actual injury, the more likely it will likely be that a structured settlement is going to be used.
How To Get Cash For Your Structured Settlement
Structured settlements are financial agreements that are worked out between a claimant and a defendant in tort procedures. The two parties settle on a tax-free financial settlement that is paid out over a period of time that is determined by the claimant.
Established by Congress during the 1970s, structured settlements were designed as a better method of payment as opposed to lump sum payments.
Established by Congress during the 1970s, structured settlements were designed as a better method of payment as opposed to lump sum payments.
Khamis, 8 September 2011
Cukai Perkhidmatan 6% Kad Tambah Nilai Prabayar
Salam 2 all, Keputusan kerajaan untuk mengenakan cukai perkhidmatan sebanyak 6% kepada setiap transaksi tambah nilai prepaid telefon mulai 15 September ini dilihat sebagai satu langkah ke belakang.
Read more:
Read more:
Buy Structured Settlements And Get A High ROI
Once you buy structured settlements, they will have their advantages and disadvantages. However, one thing will be sure, you will get yourself a tax free, regular and steady revenue stream for the rest you will ever have, if you want to be able to.
The structured settlements offer you big ROI, because which is just typical to these.
The structured settlements offer you big ROI, because which is just typical to these.
Kad Debit-i Visa untuk jemaah haji
KUALA LUMPUR - Semua bakal haji Malaysia tahun ini bakal menerima Kad
Debit-i Visa Bank Islam secara percuma bagi memberikan kemudahan jemaah
menunaikan Rukun Islam kelima.
Selain sumbangan kad debit tersebut, Bank Islam turut memberikan 40,000 unit buku wirid terpilih dan lanyard kepada Lembaga Tabung Haji (LTH) untuk diagihkan kepada jemaah haji.
Selain sumbangan kad debit tersebut, Bank Islam turut memberikan 40,000 unit buku wirid terpilih dan lanyard kepada Lembaga Tabung Haji (LTH) untuk diagihkan kepada jemaah haji.
Sabtu, 3 September 2011
Rugi RM10 juta dalam tempoh enam bulan
KUALA LUMPUR – Polis menerima sebanyak 454 laporan berhubung kes panggilan telefon dengan menyamar sama ada sebagai pegawai polis atau pegawai bank dalam tempoh enam bulan pertama tahun ini yang melibatkan kerugian mencecah RM10 juta.
Ketua Unit Keselamatan Siber, Bahagian Siasatan Jenayah Siber, Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Komersial Bukit Aman, Supritendan Victor Sanjos berkata, dalam tempoh sama polis menahan seramai 39 orang dan ada dalam kalangan suspek telah dituduh di mahkamah.
“Kegiatan sindiket Macau Scam ini dikesan aktif memperdaya rakyat negara ini sejak tahun 2008. Jumlah laporan diterima pada tahun tersebut sebanyak 21 kes,” kata beliau.
Ketua Unit Keselamatan Siber, Bahagian Siasatan Jenayah Siber, Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Komersial Bukit Aman, Supritendan Victor Sanjos berkata, dalam tempoh sama polis menahan seramai 39 orang dan ada dalam kalangan suspek telah dituduh di mahkamah.
“Kegiatan sindiket Macau Scam ini dikesan aktif memperdaya rakyat negara ini sejak tahun 2008. Jumlah laporan diterima pada tahun tersebut sebanyak 21 kes,” kata beliau.
Tipu guna nombor Bukit Aman
Ahli sindiket Macau Scam akan membuat panggilan secara rambang untuk mencari mangsa.
KUALA LUMPUR – Kes-kes penipuan tidak pernah surut. Saban hari pasti ada individu yang menjadi mangsa penipuan sama ada oleh sindiket yang berpangkalan dalam negara mahupun di seberang laut.
Pelbagai modus operandi digunakan oleh sindiket-sindiket terbabit untuk meraih wang daripada mangsa-mangsa. Tren paling mudah kebelakangan ini ialah ahli sindiket terbabit membuat panggilan telefon dengan menyamar sama ada sebagai pegawai polis atau pegawai bank.
Macau Scam merupakan salah satu sindiket yang berpangkalan di Taiwan dan Hong Kong, Sindiket itu dikesan paling aktif melakukan penipuan dengan membuat panggilan secara rambang kepada mangsa-mangsa termasuk rakyat negara ini.
Ikuti berita selanjutnya di Kosmo!
KUALA LUMPUR – Kes-kes penipuan tidak pernah surut. Saban hari pasti ada individu yang menjadi mangsa penipuan sama ada oleh sindiket yang berpangkalan dalam negara mahupun di seberang laut.
Pelbagai modus operandi digunakan oleh sindiket-sindiket terbabit untuk meraih wang daripada mangsa-mangsa. Tren paling mudah kebelakangan ini ialah ahli sindiket terbabit membuat panggilan telefon dengan menyamar sama ada sebagai pegawai polis atau pegawai bank.
Macau Scam merupakan salah satu sindiket yang berpangkalan di Taiwan dan Hong Kong, Sindiket itu dikesan paling aktif melakukan penipuan dengan membuat panggilan secara rambang kepada mangsa-mangsa termasuk rakyat negara ini.
Ikuti berita selanjutnya di Kosmo!
Sabtu, 13 Ogos 2011
Consumer Claims Tribunal (MCCT) - Knowledgeable Consumers on the Rise
MALAYSIAN consumers are getting smarter. With the increasing purchasing power among Malaysians, more and more consumers are becoming wiser in accounting for every single sen spent.
This conclusion is derived from the increasing number of cases heard by the Malaysian Consumer Claims Tribunal. More people are turning to the tribunal for help as they are more aware of its effectiveness and their right as consumers.
Tribunal for Consumer Claims Malaysia (MCCT) / Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna Malaysia (TTPM) is an independent body established under Section 85, Part XII of the Consumer Protection Act 1999. The Tribunal operates under the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism. The primary objective of the Tribunal for Consumer Claims is to provide an alternative redress mechanism, apart from the courts, for a consumer to claim for any loss suffered (in respect of any goods or services purchased or acquired) in a less cumbersome, speedy manner and at a minimal cost.
More: lovely range of cakes
Here are the address and links to help you get your money back at the tribunal. Hopefully you’ll get your money back, and that you’ve learned your lesson. Good luck!
Malaysia Consumer Tribunal / Tuntutan Tribunal Pengguna Malaysia
Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna Malaysia,
Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan,
Aras 5, Podium 2,
Tel : 03-8882 5822
Faks : 03-8882 5831
Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna Malaysia,
Tingkat 16, Putra Place,
100, Jalan Putra,
TEL: 03-4042 4181 / 4042 4194
FAKS: 03-4042 4259
Other Tribunal branches in Malaysia
Online report @ e-Aduan:
e-Tribunal: e-Tribunal
This conclusion is derived from the increasing number of cases heard by the Malaysian Consumer Claims Tribunal. More people are turning to the tribunal for help as they are more aware of its effectiveness and their right as consumers.
Tribunal for Consumer Claims Malaysia (MCCT) / Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna Malaysia (TTPM) is an independent body established under Section 85, Part XII of the Consumer Protection Act 1999. The Tribunal operates under the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism. The primary objective of the Tribunal for Consumer Claims is to provide an alternative redress mechanism, apart from the courts, for a consumer to claim for any loss suffered (in respect of any goods or services purchased or acquired) in a less cumbersome, speedy manner and at a minimal cost.
More: lovely range of cakes
Here are the address and links to help you get your money back at the tribunal. Hopefully you’ll get your money back, and that you’ve learned your lesson. Good luck!
Malaysia Consumer Tribunal / Tuntutan Tribunal Pengguna Malaysia
Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna Malaysia,Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan,
Aras 5, Podium 2,
No. 13,Persiaran Perdana, Presint 2,
62623 Putrajaya.
Talian Bebas Tol/Toll Free Line: 1-800-88-9811 62623 Putrajaya.
Tel : 03-8882 5822
Faks : 03-8882 5831
Kuala Lumpur Branch
Ketua Seksyen,Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna Malaysia,
Tingkat 16, Putra Place,
100, Jalan Putra,
TEL: 03-4042 4181 / 4042 4194
FAKS: 03-4042 4259
Other Tribunal branches in Malaysia
Online report @ e-Aduan:
e-Tribunal: e-Tribunal
Exemption from full fixed deposit with properties worth RM1 million and above
Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) applicants who have purchased properties worth at least RM 1 million qualify to place a lower fixed deposit amount upon approval.
However, MM2H applicants have to observe the following conditions:
■ The purchased property may be a fully completed unit or one under construction,
■ For the incomplete property, applicants must show proof of having paid the developers or made mortgage loan payments which are equivalent to at least the required fixed deposit amount for his age group. This amount does not include legal fees, transfer fees, commissions and any other related payments,
■ The property purchased should be registered under the applicant/spouse(s)/dependant(s)’ names,
■ Documents required for financial exemption are:
◦ Certified copy of Sale and Purchase Agreement
◦ Certified copy of Transfer of Ownership / Transfer of Deeds
◦ Proof of mortgage loan payment (if applicable)
◦ Proof of Quit Rent/Assessment Rate Bill payment
◦ Certified copy of Title Deed/Land Title (if applicable)
The supporting documents must be submitted together with the new application to MM2H Centre.
Malaysia Taxation on Rental Income
A lot of property investors will rely on rental income of their properties to pay for the monthly mortgage payment and may be gain some positive cash flow. However, those rental income are taxable based on Malaysia Taxation Law.
Hence, it is important for property investors to understand the actual taxation on rental income before they start to rent their property out.
Income from the letting of real property in Malaysia is named as rental income and is chargeable to tax under section 4(d) of the Income Tax Act 1967. Any person, whether resident or non-resident, citizen or non-citizen, individual or not , who derives rental income from Malaysia is thus subject to income tax.The type of person, or the residence status of the person, determines the tax rate.
In adjusting the income from the rental, all expenses " incurred wholly and exclusively in the basis period in the production of the gross income" are deductible. The deductible expenses can used to adjust the rental income are as following.
•mortgage interest ( Please take note that mortgage interest is not equaled to the mortgage payment. Monthly mortgage payment consist of mortgage interest and capital repayment. Mortgage interest is deductible expense but capital repayment is not deductible expense)
•Quit Rent
•Service Charges
•Legal fees to renew the rental agreement ( Legal fees for the getting first rental agreement is not deductible expenses, only subsequent renew can be considered as deductible expense)
Hence, it is important for property investors to understand the actual taxation on rental income before they start to rent their property out.
Income from the letting of real property in Malaysia is named as rental income and is chargeable to tax under section 4(d) of the Income Tax Act 1967. Any person, whether resident or non-resident, citizen or non-citizen, individual or not , who derives rental income from Malaysia is thus subject to income tax.The type of person, or the residence status of the person, determines the tax rate.
In adjusting the income from the rental, all expenses " incurred wholly and exclusively in the basis period in the production of the gross income" are deductible. The deductible expenses can used to adjust the rental income are as following.
•mortgage interest ( Please take note that mortgage interest is not equaled to the mortgage payment. Monthly mortgage payment consist of mortgage interest and capital repayment. Mortgage interest is deductible expense but capital repayment is not deductible expense)
•Quit Rent
•Service Charges
•Legal fees to renew the rental agreement ( Legal fees for the getting first rental agreement is not deductible expenses, only subsequent renew can be considered as deductible expense)
Jumaat, 8 Julai 2011
Enlisted in the World of Airborne Spying
An MC-12 Liberty, a refitted King Air, returning from its first combat sortie at Joint Base Balad, north of Baghdad in Iraq.
For four years, a doctor commuted between his clinics in Texas in a $5 million turboprop with jazzy metallic stripes and ruby stones embedded on the drink cabinet inside. The plane featured exotic wood veneers and polished chrome, and his daughter’s initials were in the tail number.
Enlisted in the World of Airborne Spying
Civilian planes pressed into military-spy service
Selasa, 4 Januari 2011
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